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Just a few years ago, I was completely lost. I didn’t know what to do with my life. I felt lonely and disconnected with myself and those around me. I was lacking direction in every way possible. I kept myself busy. Busy with work, numerous projects, different forms of training and an active social life, but deep inside I felt directionless.

You see, I always felt inferior. I didn’t think that my voice mattered. I thought that everyone around me was smarter, prettier, better at doing things, you name it. I was a people pleaser. I never tended to my own needs. I struggled with self-doubt, lack of confidence and a sense of belonging.

Regardless of these deep feelings of pain and disconnection I thought I just have to be grateful for what I have. On the outside, my life looked perfect. I travelled the world. I had a great social life, active lifestyle, positive outlook, smile on my face and a job that I enjoyed, yet deep inside I felt lost and purposeless.

All of my life I was searching for more meaning, more fulfilment and more love. I wanted to feel that I am enough.

Hoping to find my answers, I started to meditate daily, paid attention to my exercise routines, diet and surroundings. I read self-development books and listened to podcasts of inspiring individuals who managed to turn their lives around. All of these things made me feel better but only for a short period of time. Though I developed healthy habits I still didn't know how to have a healthy relationship with myself. 

I struggled with anxiety. One morning upon waking up I felt this strong feeling of panic that creeped in out of nowhere. I tried to meditate on it, I journaled and listed all the things I was grateful for. I performed all the rituals that always helped me to get out of the rabbit hole but this time the anxiety would not go away. I felt sick to my stomach. I felt mentally and physically exhausted. I had a proper breakdown and I could not explain why.

I knew I had to make changes but I didn’t know how. That same day I’ve scheduled a discovery session with a life coach, though I didn’t know if I should go considering what a mess I was. I went.

I got so much clarity over one conversation, I didn’t think that was possible. I got a new perspective, a new standpoint. I realised that all the things I’ve been doing, were working, I was just too busy and too distracted to notice. I kept waiting for something significant to happen, for a sign from the sky, not realising the growth I was already experiencing. It seems that I just needed a bit of guidance on how to align my actions with my vision and how to run with it.

That coaching session was significant for me. It felt as if someone gave me a magic pill that provided me with clarity and confidence I was lacking all this time.

I decided to take control of my life. I started to work with coaches and trained to become one. I knew I had to make new choices to create lasting change. I was done with living my days on repeat and expecting different results.

With the help of amazing people and supporting systems around me I developed an awareness of patterns that kept stopping me from going beyond the bubble I created. I started to embody the change I was craving for so long. I shifted my perspective and built up my confidence. I began to take imperfect action, became really curious about my thoughts and feelings and accepted all there was. I’ve found an environment that matched my energy. 

I now believe that lasting change is possible and the answers are there, within us. We all have the power to do anything we want, we just need a bit of help and guidance during the process of making new quality decisions.

So here I am, a mindset coach, helping mid-career professionals lacking direction, find their calling and act on it. 

Mindset coaching helped me shift perspectives and gave me confidence to own my power and create a life that works for me.

I now not only use coaching to improve my own life but to transform the lives of others. I want to help people who are ready to step outside of the bubble and move into growth and alignment.

Coaching provides that safe space for self-expression which most of us forgot how to tap into throughout our adult life. 

If this resonated with you and you would like to get more clarity about your situation, book a complimentary discovery coaching session with me to see how I can help you on your journey. 

My Story: About Me
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